
last modified: 02 Feb 2021

All submissions must be written in English and formatted using the style files linked below. Papers must be submitted in PDF format, through the EasyChair conference system:

For the main conference track and additional tracks/sessions: (except for the Recent Published Research Track)

We invite:

  • Full papers of up to 9 pages, including abstract, figures, and appendices (if any), but excluding references and acknowledgements.
  • Short papers of up to 4 pages, excluding references and acknowledgements.

Both full and short papers must describe original, previously unpublished research, and must not simultaneously be submitted for publication elsewhere. These restrictions do not apply to previously accepted workshop papers with a limited audience and/or without archival proceedings, and to papers uploaded at public repositories (e.g., arXiv).

Authors may optionally submit a separate PDF containing additional information that substantiates the claims made in their paper, such as proof details, additional experimental results, further details on experimental design, etc. If authors wish to make such material available to reviewers, they should do so by submitting a file through EasyChair, rather than by including links or references in their paper. Please note that the main paper must be self contained, as the supplementary material will not be published. Moreover, reviewers will have the option but not the obligation to consult the supplementary material.

Please note that the submission of an abstract by the abstract submission deadline is mandatory.

Accepted full papers and short papers will be published in the KR2021 proceedings.

For the Recent Published Research Track:

We invite submissions consisting of:

  • A cover page (single page) listing the title, the authors, a complete reference to the original paper, and a public or privately accessible url from which the paper can be downloaded. A list of keywords is also expected. Finally, the cover page must contain a statement that the work the submission is based on has not been already presented to a KR audience in a major forum.
  • A one-page (preferred) and no more than two-page extended abstract of the paper following the format for regular paper KR 2021 submissions. The abstract should present the main contributions of the paper, discuss the relevance of the paper to KR, and explain the significance of the results.

A single pdf file with the materials should be submitted to the KR submission site at EasyChair. The authors should mark the submission as Recently Published Research.

Author kit:

Submissions are not anonymous (i.e., reviewing will be single-blind) and have to be formatted using the following style files: